Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Sign Around Everyone's Neck

I heard a story yesterday that inspired me to write this post. A Realtor once asked, "How do I improve my business from where it's at?" The response the Realtor heard was, "Everyone has a sign hanging around their neck, once you find out what that sign says, you will grow your business." It wasn't long before the Realtor had an Aha come up and realized what everyone's sign said...


That's what everyone wants. They want to know that they are important to you. It's too often that people think, as real estate agents, we put a sign in their yard and sit back and collect a check. We only want their money. I help a lot of FSBO (For Sale By Owners) that go in thinking the same thing; they don't see the value. They think they can do what a lot of agents do and get the same results. They're right to some extent, but what that is is a lot of wasted time and your home not selling. The second I can walk into their home and make them feel important, and show them what I can do to provide REAL VALUE, they decide to list with me.

As a real estate professional, in general we are talked about in the same sentence as car salesmen and lawyers. Why is that? Its because we don't make our customers feel important. The truth of the matter is there are a lot of Realtors and the majority of them are part time Realtors, who sell houses for fun. For me this is a business; this is my job, this is my career, and most importantly, this is MY business. When a customer gets upset, it's not the same as being an employee. They get upset because they don't understand my vision or intentions.

I come from contribution and I truly believe it. What does that mean? It means that the service that I provide is helpful and worth it. I want you, as a client, to feel important. I believe that the work I do to get homes sold is worth it, and I believe I'm the best Realtor to get the job done. But, as we talked about it goes beyond that. I want to make you feel important. I don't want to stop giving you that A + Service when you move in. A customer to me is a customer for life, and that is what drives my business.

If you know anyone looking to buy, sell, or invest in real estate. Or for that matter anyone looking to feel important! Please contact me at 913-486-6762

Eric Medved
Keller Williams Legacy Partners

Monday, September 16, 2013

Importance of a schedule

Are you available today in 30 minutes?

It seems like a simple request, and I have already had an idea that customer service is being available anytime of the day for all of your customers needs. So why do I now answer this question with a NO?

Its so important to schedule out my day, and stick to it. I'll admit, this is all new to me and I'm by no means the best, but start with the most important things in your life, and put them in the schedule first. Then work your way backwards. You will find by doing this, the things that need to get done will get done and the things that don't; well, of course they don't.

Everyone has the same 24 hours in everyday. The successful ones are the ones that use their 24 hours the best. For me my struggles were with times I'm working and times I'm spending with the family. My #1 thing now is scheduling in that time with the family same time everyday. For my customers, I am not available during this time.

For all that don't have a schedule, create one, WRITE IT DOWN, try it for a week and it will improve your life and your business.

If you want more information about buying, selling, or investing in real estate please contact me at 913-486-6762.

Eric Medved
Keller Williams Legacy Partners

Thursday, September 12, 2013

"I want to get a deal!"

Its come up a lot lately, and so I thought I would address it. When people contact me about buying a house, they say to me, "I just want to get a deal, the rest doesn't matter". Of course you want a deal, my job as a real estate agent is to get you the best deal possible. However, it's 2013, those "deals" that people feel are out there, really aren't.

Its a SELLERS MARKET. The days of foreclosures and short sale being over 50% of the homes for sale is over, and even those that are still on the market are priced better to where you can't just buy a foreclosure anymore and automatically be getting a deal.

When people call me and say they don't need to buy a house or really want to, but if they can get a deal they will. The first thing I say to them is it won't happen. There are too many buyers in the market that are motivated and when the right house comes on the market it is bought quickly.

So you ask, what can you do as a buyer if you're still looking for a deal? Make sure you're ready to buy! The buyers in this market must be prepared to move fast, and when they see a home they love, make an offer that day. Before you look at homes, make sure you are pre-approved. The deals in this market aren't the homes that you will get for 60% of value, the deals are those homes that are most desirable, and are bought within 1 week. Those homes are the Real "deals" in 2013, and if you can be prepared, and work with a superstar agent, you will beat out all the other buyers that want that home, and that will land you an...


Eric Medved
Keller Williams Legacy Partners